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The OCEANIX Project

The government of Busan is the first in the world to join the project of floating cities.

About 50% of the world’s population lives in coastal areas and it is expected that the population of these areas will increase in the coming years, this could cause an increase in climatic anomalies and various difficulties for life. Not only the melting of glaciers that is fast inhaling sea levels, but also increasingly strong tropical storms, global temperature rise and much more.

The innovative project that we will talk about today has just been approved by the UN a few days ago to effectively and ecologically counter the housing crisis that has been growing for several years, and that makes a human being colonize the wildest areas of the planet so as to disrupt its ecosystem.

OCEANIX will in fact be the first project to build floating cities in the ocean and the first state to join the innovative Danish program is precisely South Korea.

The first Korean floating city is expected to be completed in 2025, within just 3 years, and will rise in the Busan marathon area. It was in fact the government of Busan that was the first to sign the agreement for the construction of the first floating city of about 75 thousand etteri in which 10,000 people can live.

What will the floating city look like?

It will resemble in all respects an archipelago made up of floating hexagonal sectors able to hold about 1,650 people, installed side by side to create a circle. In the city, completely eco-sustainable, there will be housing units, schools, places for spirituality, shops, offices, buildings (maximum height of 7 floors) and green areas for leisure, sports and agriculture. The entire area will be designed to withstand the weather, including hurricanes class 5. It will be built with saline erosion-proof materials and bamboo, while electricity will be produced thanks to solar systems, wave motion, wind and much more. At the center of the city will rise a port that will help the movement between the various sectors.

We leave below some images of presentation of the project:

What do you think of this project? Would you like to visit the town once its construction is completed? Would you like to live there?

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