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Face masks: types, differences and how to choose them

Learn about the face mask to find out which is the right one for you!

The face masks have become common among all of us, even for those who do not follow all the steps of the Korean skincare. There are different types with as many effects, so learning to recognize which is the right one for us is essential. Remember that the use of the mask alone does not work wonders and if you want to have obvious and lasting results it is good to associate it with a daily skincare.

P.s: in this article we will not distinguish between cream mask or fabric masks and remember that the skincare is for everyone!

So let’s begin to enter this diverse world!


1. The first step is to choose a mask suitable for your skin type (dry, oily or normal)

2. The need. This criterion is based on the type of skin we have but many may be the elements that can change our current epidermal condition even momentarily. For example, in winter those who have a normal or mixed skin can suddenly find it dry because of the cold and therefore require greater hydration. Dry skin that usually needs hydration may instead require being exfoliated or purified due to an accumulation of toxins or dead cells.


One of the positive aspects of masks is that they do not have an ideal "moment of exposure" and therefore you can do it at any free time of the day. For those who love make-up, however, it is, for my advice, preferable to do it in the evening after removing the make-up so that the mask and its nutrients have way to penetrate the skin gradually and in the most correct way, thus avoiding putting make-up or go out and "dirty" again the skin just polita. You can use a mask once or twice a week. In case you decide to do it twice a week my advice is to use two masks with different effects so as not to stress too much the skin going to act on the same "problem".


I’m not kidding if I say that there are really many and many different from each other, preparing this article I tried to report all but do not want to me if I accidentally missed something, indeed report it in the comments in order to recover!

PURIFYING for mixed skin/ fat: as the name itself says, it serves to purify from impurities such as blackheads, shrink pores and remove excess sebum. They are generally composed of: clay or thermal mud and contain eucalyptus, lemon or licorice.

Below this family is the Black Mask with activated carbon which is perhaps, among its sisters, the most famous of all.

DETOXIFYING (detox) for all skin types: it is essential if you live in an urban center because it is able to eliminate the toxins of car smog and a good part of the pollutants that we find in the air.

MOISTURIZER for dry skin but also for all skin types: it is a hydration bomb, you often recognize them because they have a blue packaging with drops of water or bubbles scattered here and there. They help to rebalance the water level of our skin useful to keep it elastic and toned and to give an aid to the daily moisturizer. As the title says, it is suitable for dry skin but everyone can use it as soon as they feel the effect of the skin that "pulls".

SOOTHING for sensitive and/or dry skin: they are the sisters of moisturizing masks but thanks to the addition of nutrients and special principles help to calm redness and any swelling.

NOURISHING for dry skin: it is a moisturizing and soothing mask at the same time, it is what can be called the "super-girl" of masks because its effects are very fast. It is suitable for severe redness, burning, itching and irritation (obviously do not replace a dermatological consultation in case you need it) thanks to its concentrated lipid profile.

EXFOLIATING for all skin types (if used in the right way): they are usually used in combo with moisturizing masks as they can also irritate the skin because of the acids that constitute them even if they are in low concentration. I recommend never to use them together with a purifying mask because the exfoliating effect already in itself eliminates the first damaged layer of our skin quinti, using it, would exert a bad action on the skin "new" which in fact is initially more fragile. Under the category of these masks there are also those "lightening" and "peel off". The former are famous and used especially in Asia to lighten their own tone and to minimize spots that begin to manifest on mature skin. The second ones instead are those that after drying create a film and retain black spots, dead cells and all impurities. Are they the ones that maybe in the West we started to use more because curious about this feature, maybe it reminded us of the feeling of vinyl glue on the hands that we let dry in elementary school? I can’t believe it was just me, don’t lie!

BRIGHTENERS for all skin types: enriched with vitamin C help the skin to look brighter, just as the name says. I recommend not to use them in combo with detoxifying or exfoliating masks.

ANTI-AGE for all skin types: often when you hear of something "anti-aging" in the collective imagination immediately appears the image of a mature lady but in reality, and I will never tire of saying, it would be good use to start using this types of products already from 25-30 years, in the right way. They are considered an aid for cell regeneration and thanks to the high lipid and water profile they effectively flesh the skin giving elasticity and tonicity.

NIGHT MASK for all skin types: are those that once put leave us that feeling of freshness mixed with heaviness because the texture is much more compact than a normal cream, often used during the day. As the name says, they are for night use as they need a long rest time to act in depth.

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